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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Emory University Insights Needed!

I'm a junior trying to figure out which schools fit me best, and Emory's on my radar. Could anyone share what the atmosphere is like? What makes Emory special, and are there opportunities for research and community engagement?

a year ago

Emory University indeed has a unique atmosphere, often described as collaborative and intellectually stimulating. It's located in Atlanta, Georgia, which offers a rich urban environment, while the University itself provides a more close-knit community feel.

Emory stands out due to its strong emphasis on undergraduate research opportunities across all disciplines, and many students get involved in research early in their academic careers. Additionally, Emory is known for its commitment to service and community engagement. Through the Office of Engaged Learning, students are encouraged to undertake volunteer work, internships, and projects that have a tangible impact on the community.

Moreover, Emory's connections with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and a major healthcare system offer unparalleled opportunities for those interested in public health and related fields. The blend of academic rigor, research opportunities, and the spirit of community involvement make Emory more than just a place to study but a place to grow and contribute meaningfully during your college years.

a year ago

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