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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Universities with a collaborative environment like UMD?

I'm currently in love with the University of Maryland's collaborative and engaging academic atmosphere. I've heard they have great STEM programs and lots of research opportunities. Could y'all suggest colleges that have a similar environment? I'm keen on having both a strong academic focus and a community feel.

a year ago

It's awesome that you're looking for a collaborative academic atmosphere! If you're drawn to UMD for its strong STEM programs and research opportunities, you might also want to consider schools like Georgia Tech and the University of Washington. Both have robust research programs and are known for their strong sense of community.

Another school that hits the mark for combining collaborative spirit with academic rigor, especially in STEM, is the University of Wisconsin-Madison. And don't overlook Purdue University, especially if engineering is on your radar. Lastly, the University of California, San Diego is another fine choice for its STEM offerings and cooperative environment. Each of these schools fosters a strong sense of collaboration among students and faculty, which seems like something you'd appreciate.

Remember, while large research universities like Maryland and those listed above typically offer a plethora of opportunities, sometimes smaller institutions or even liberal arts colleges can surprise you with strong science programs, especially since you may have more direct access to professors, which can lead to more research opportunities. And small schools often have engaged communities, since most people cross paths at some point during their four years together. So, while big schools have their advantages, it never hurts to keep an open mind.

Best of luck with your search!

a year ago

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