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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Life at Duke: What's the real deal?

Hey everyone! Starting to narrow down my college list and I’ve got my eye on Duke. Can anyone give me the lowdown on student life there? I'm super curious about the culture, traditions, and if the academic pressure is as intense as they say.

a year ago

I'm glad you're looking into the campus culture of your potential colleges – it's a crucial part of the college experience! At Duke, the atmosphere is known to be collaborative but also quite competitive academically. Students are driven and focused on success, which means there can be pressure, but this also comes with high levels of peer motivation.

As for traditions, you'll find that basketball is huge at Duke, with the famous 'Cameron Crazies' being the energetic student section cheering at games. The school spirit is palpable during these events. Community service and engagement are also integral to the Duke experience, so you'll find plenty of opportunities to get involved outside the classroom. Overall, it's a dynamic, "work hard play hard" environment, where you can both challenge yourself academically and have a blast doing it if you're able to strike the right balance!

a year ago

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