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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's the buzz about UCLA?

Junior starting to sweat the college search... I hear a lot of different things, but I'd love to know from you all – what's UCLA's claim to fame? Why do students choose it and what are some of its standout programs?

a year ago

I can understand feeling a bit stressed about the college search, but it's great that you're getting a head start on your research. UCLA's reputation is quite strong for several reasons. Academically, it often ranks highly across various disciplines. For instance, it's known for its exceptional programs in the fields of business, law, and medicine, just to name a few. The Anderson School of Management is frequently listed among the top business schools, and the David Geffen School of Medicine is highly regarded for research and primary care.

Additionally, UCLA's location in Los Angeles provides unparalleled opportunities for internships and industry connections, particularly for students interested in entertainment, tech, and engineering. The campus's proximity to Hollywood and Silicon Beach means you could find yourself interning with major studios or innovative startups.

UCLA also has a vibrant campus life with over 1,000 student organizations, which can greatly enhance the college experience by providing opportunities for leadership, socializing, and personal development. Plus, the school's sports teams are part of the NCAA Division I Pac-12 Conference, making for an exciting athletic atmosphere if that's something that interests you.

Just because other people love UCLA doesn't mean it's the perfect place for you though. It's important to visit the campus if possible, speak to current students, and review the course offerings in your area of interest to see if it aligns with your goals and preferences. Each student's choice is personal, so while you gather information, think about what you want your college experience to be like.

a year ago

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