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Hardest majors to pursue in university?

Hi there! I'm genuinely curious about what are considered the hardest university majors. I've heard that Engineering or Physics could be tough, but I want a comprehensive picture. Can anyone share their experiences or what they've heard?

a month ago

The "hardest" major can differ greatly depending on a student's strengths, interests, and personal circumstances. Generally, STEM fields such as Engineering, Physics, Mathematics, or Computer Science are often deemed challenging due to their heavy workload and complex content. These majors often require a solid understanding of higher-level math and the ability to apply concepts in practical ways. Students often need to dedicate significant amounts of time to studying, lab work, and coursework.

Health-related fields such as Pre-Med, Nursing, or Biochemistry are also known for being demanding. These majors involve rigorous coursework and often have additional expectations, such as internships, clinical hours, or research projects. Additionally, the competitive nature of admissions to medical, nursing, or other health-related graduate programs can add stress.

Business majors, especially those at highly ranked schools, can also be intense due to competitive environments and high expectations for internships or networking. You'll also likely be required to have a good grasp of economics, data analysis, and may have to flex your public speaking muscles.

Humanities majors like Philosophy or English can also be challenging, but in different ways. These fields often require heavy reading loads, lots of writing, and the ability to critically analyze and synthesize information from various sources. These majors may be especially hard for people who struggle with writing or reading comprehension.

Lastly, architecture is notorious for its workload and studio hours. This field demands creativity, technical knowledge, and a lot of time spent on projects and models.

It bears repeating, though, that the "hardest" major will greatly depend on individual strengths, weaknesses, and passion for the subject. What one person finds difficult, another may find stimulating and rewarding. It's key to choose a major that aligns with your goals and interests, rather than solely based on difficulty level.

a month ago

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