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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's the toughest university to gain admission to?

Hello everyone, I'm a rising junior and I'm aiming high for colleges. I was wondering which one takes the crown for being the absolute hardest university to get into. Just trying to gauge the competition out there, any thoughts?

a month ago

When we talk about colleges with the most selective admissions, a few names frequently rise to the top.

The university with the lowest acceptance rate for the batch that entered in Fall 2024 was Stanford University, with an acceptance rate of around 3.5%. Other extremely selective schools include Princeton University, Harvard University, and Columbia University, all of which had acceptance rates below 5% for that same cycle.

However, acceptance rates don't entirely capture the difficulty of gaining admission. Some universities may have low acceptance rates because they receive a large number of applications, including from students who are not quite competitive for that level of school. Others may not receive as many applications but have an extremely competitive pool of candidates.

Moreover, competitiveness can vary significantly between programs within a university. For instance, gaining admission to MIT's Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science is typically harder than gaining admission to other programs within MIT.

Lastly, remember that admissions strategies at these universities tend to look for 'spiked' students, rather than well-rounded ones. This means they're on the lookout for students who show deep engagement and high accomplishment in one or a few areas. So half the game is knowing where you're aiming, and the other half is knowing where to aim!

Keep this all in mind as you craft your college list and prepare your applications. Good luck!

a month ago

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