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Tough admission in Indian Universities?

Namaste to everyone out there! I've been looking into the Indian universities for my further studies. People often say how difficult it is to get into the IITs, AIIMS, and others alike. But I'm interested to get a better perspective. Which Indian university would you say, is genuinely the hardest to get into?

7 months ago

Hello! Indeed, Indian universities like the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) have a reputation for being tough to get into due to their selective admission process. But let's break it down a bit more.

The IITs are arguably among the most competitive when it comes to engineering programs. This is due to the extremely low acceptance rate. Each year, nearly 15 lakh students (1.5 million) sit for the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) to secure one of the around 16,000 seats available across the 23 IITs, making the acceptance rate less than 1%.

Meanwhile, if we're looking at medical institutes, AIIMS tops the list. With more than 3 lakh applicants (300,000) competing for roughly 1,200 seats annually, AIIMS' acceptance rate is also well under 1%.

Other Indian universities known for stringent admission criteria include the National Law School of India University (NLSIU) for law, the Indian Statistical Institute (ISI) for statistics and related disciplines, and the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) for research programs in science and engineering.

However, when it comes to judging which of these are 'genuinely the hardest' to get into, it largely depends on the specific course you aim to study, the competition in a given year, and most importantly your preparedness for the entrance exams.

Just remember, getting into these top universities is certainly tough but not impossible with thorough preparation and determination. Good luck!

7 months ago

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