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Ontario's toughest universities to gain admission to?

Hey peeps! As I'm starting my application process for universities next year. I've heard that some universities in Ontario, Canada have really high standards. I know U of T and McMaster hold strong reputations, but what about others? Trying to understand my admissions landscape. Thanks!

a month ago

Hello! It's true, some universities in Ontario indeed have tough admission standards. You've mentioned University of Toronto (U of T) and McMaster, both of which are known for being quite selective.

In addition to those, here are a few other Ontario universities that are known for rigorous admissions processes:

1. University of Waterloo: Well-known for its cooperative education (co-op) programs. It has especially competitive programs like Software Engineering and Biomedical Engineering.

2. Queen's University: Particularly selective for its commerce and engineering programs. Queen's also emphasizes the importance of the Supplementary Essay (PSE) in its admission decisions.

3. Western University: Its Ivey Business School is recognized globally and can be quite competitive to get into.

4. Ryerson University: Its Ted Rogers School of Management and the School of Journalism are quite popular and therefore attract a large number of high-achieving applicants.

5. University of Ottawa: Known for its programs in Political Science and International Development due to its location in the nation's capital.

It's important to know that acceptance rates can vary significantly not just by university, but also by individual program within each university. So while a particular institution may generally have high admission standards, there may still be individual programs that are easier to gain admission to, especially if they are less popular or niche.

Remember to consider factors beyond only the selectivity of a program. Look at course content, job opportunities, location, and community to make sure you'll be happy and successful at whatever university you end up attending. Hope this helps and good luck with your applications!

a month ago

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