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For the class of 2024, which colleges are expecting us to submit SAT scores?

Okay, so I'm hearing a lot of different things about SAT requirements for the class of 2024. With everything going test-optional recently, are there any colleges that have announced firm requirements for the SAT next year, or is it still mostly optional because of the pandemic? How should I decide whether to take the test or not?

a year ago

As of now, many colleges are maintaining their test-optional policies for the class of 2024, which means you are not required to submit SAT scores as part of your application. Each college updates its admissions policies independently, so for accurate and up-to-date information, you should consult the admissions pages of the specific colleges you're interested in. That said, some institutions have started reintroducing SAT/ACT requirements, while others have committed to remaining test-optional for several years, or even permanently.

When deciding whether to take the SAT, consider your overall college admissions profile. If you believe your SAT score could strengthen your application, particularly if it aligns with or exceeds the median scores of admitted students from your target colleges, it might be advantageous to take the test and submit your scores. Moreover, strong SAT scores can be beneficial for merit-based scholarship considerations, even at test-optional schools.

However, if you feel that preparing for and taking standardized tests would take valuable time away from other important activities or that your scores may not reflect your true capabilities, you might opt to focus on other areas of your application. Remember that in a test-optional scenario, the other aspects of your application—such as your GPA, coursework rigor, essays, and extracurriculars—will carry more weight. Your decision should be based on a strategic analysis of your strengths and how best to present them to colleges.

a year ago

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