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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Can scoring well on the PSAT actually land you scholarships?

Hey everyone, just curious, but I've heard through the grapevine that you can get scholarships from doing well on the PSAT. How legit is this information? Has anyone here scored a scholarship and can provide some details on how it works?

a year ago

Absolutely, scoring high on the PSAT can indeed lead to scholarship opportunities, most notably through the National Merit Scholarship Program. If you score within the top 1% of PSAT test-takers in your state, you can become a Semifinalist. After that, you must meet additional requirements to possibly become a Finalist, who are then considered for the scholarships. This can result in a National Merit Scholarship, which varies in amount and is a prestigious award to list on college applications. Additionally, some colleges offer their own scholarships to National Merit Finalists, ranging from partial to full tuition. So, not only is the information legit, but the potential rewards are significant as well.

a year ago

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