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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Signing up for the PSAT NMSQT but no idea how

Okay, so I've heard from pretty much everyone that taking the PSAT NMSQT is a good move, but I'm in the dark about how to actually sign up for it. Could someone who's recently gone through the process give me a run-down?

a year ago

I'm glad you're considering taking the PSAT/NMSQT; it's a great step not only for practice but also for potential scholarship opportunities. The process of signing up is typically through your high school. Most high schools automatically register their students for the PSAT/NMSQT and the cost may be included in your school fees, or you might have to pay a separate fee.

If your school does not register students, you may have to sign up yourself. In this case, contact the College Board or visit their website to find schools near you that are administering the test, then reach out directly to the school to see if they can accommodate you. Remember that the PSAT/NMSQT is offered nationally every year in October, so be sure to inquire about registration in the spring or early fall to secure your spot.

Lastly, check if your school offers the PSAT 10 or the PSAT 8/9, as these can also provide valuable practice, though without the scholarship component. Do keep an eye out for registration deadlines, and best of luck with your preparations!

a year ago

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