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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Will I need Pre-Calculus to apply to most colleges?

So, I'm planning out my schedule for next year and can't decide if taking Pre-Calculus is a must. For a student aiming for fairly competitive colleges but not necessarily Ivy League, do I need Pre-Calc on my transcript?

a year ago

Yes, Pre-Calculus is typically expected by competitive colleges, particularly if you're applying for a major in the STEM fields. Admissions committees often look for students who challenge themselves, and Pre-Calculus is considered a vital part of a rigorous high school curriculum. It's not an absolute requirement for all colleges, but without it, you could be at a disadvantage compared to other applicants at competitive schools who have taken the course. It shows you have a strong foundation in math, a readiness for college-level coursework, and can handle challenging subjects. In cases where Pre-Calculus is not a specific requirement, having the class on your transcript can still enhance your academic profile.

a year ago

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