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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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When does PSAT score matter for National Merit?

Quick question, I'm trying to plan ahead and I need to know: your junior year PSAT score is the one that qualifies you for National Merit, right? Or should I be prepping more seriously as a sophomore too?

a year ago

Absolutely correct, your PSAT score from your junior year is the one considered for the National Merit Scholarship Program. While it's true that this is the score that counts for National Merit, taking the PSAT as a sophomore can be very beneficial—it serves as a great practice to familiarize yourself with the format and questioning style of the test. By analyzing your sophomore PSAT results, you can identify areas where you need to improve before your junior year. Based on scores I've seen, students often show significant improvement from sophomore to junior year after they've identified weak spots and worked on them. Just remember, ample preparation leading up to the junior year PSAT can be key in achieving a qualifying score, so it's a smart move to start early!

a year ago

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