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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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U of Massachusetts Boston?

Hey, what's the scoop on the University of Massachusetts Boston? Seems like a decent option but I'd love to get more firsthand experiences, especially regarding their academics.

a month ago

The University of Massachusetts Boston (UMass Boston) is a public research university that has a lot of value to offer. Notably, it is part of the greater University of Massachusetts system, which means it shares resources and opportunities with its sibling institutions such as UMass Amherst.

Academically, UMass Boston is known for its strong programs in fields like business, nursing, and psychology. Their faculty are generally experts in their respective fields and many are involved in valuable research work. Academically speaking, you can expect a rigorous and engaging experience. Class sizes can vary, smaller classes in specialized courses and bigger lectures in introductory or common requirement courses, which is a typical setup in most large universities.

In terms of resources, the campus provides numerous academic and advising resources to help students succeed in their coursework and prepare for their futures. The school utilized the concept of 'learning communities', which can be a great way to connect with peers and foster a supportive academic environment.

Please keep in mind that the university is heavily commuter-based—so many students live off campus. However, that doesn't mean there's no campus life. There are many clubs and activities available on the campus that cater to a wide range of interests. The vibe is just a bit different from what you'd find at a primarily residential school.

Another thing to consider is the urban setting of UMass Boston, right in the heart of the city. This location can provide invaluable opportunities for internships, cultural exposure, and networking within industries present in the Boston area.

And finally, in terms of affordability, UMass Boston is generally seen as a cost-effective choice for many students, especially those residing in-state. They offer scholarships and financial aid options that can make your study more affordable. Be sure to double-check with the Financial Aid Office for specific details.

Keep in mind this is a general overview and people's experiences vary, but in essence, UMass Boston can provide an academically rigorous, diverse and metropolitan-centered college experience. It is recommended that you visit the campus if possible, or connect with current students or alumni to gain a better understanding of what UMass Boston can offer you.

Hope this information helps you with your college search!

a month ago

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