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SAT: 720 math
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Where Can I Find Top Business Programs in NYC?

Hi there, I'm a junior with an interest in studying business, and I'm specifically eyeing colleges within New York City. I've heard of NYU and Columbia, but are there other schools with stellar business programs that I should consider?

a month ago

Absolutely, New York City is a hub for business education with numerous institutions offering excellent programs. Besides NYU Stern School of Business and Columbia Business School, a few other business programs to consider are:

1. Baruch College - Zicklin School of Business: A part of the City University of New York (CUNY) system, Baruch's Zicklin School offers undergraduate business programs that include specializations like accountancy, finance, management, and marketing. It's noted for its affordability and strong alumni network.

2. Fordham University - Gabelli School of Business: Fordham offers strong business programs with a liberal arts perspective. Opportunities for internships abound given its two campuses in Manhattan and The Bronx.

3. Pace University - Lubin School of Business: Known for its strong career services and co-op programs, Lubin offers majors such as Business Analytics, Entrepreneurship, and Global Marketing Management.

4. The City College of New York (CUNY) - Division of Business: Less known but still offers solid programs in fields like economics, finance, and international business.

Ultimately, the best program for you depends on your specific interests within the business field, as different programs may excel in certain specializations. Don't forget to check their offerings, connections with businesses for internships, and post-graduate outcomes when selecting a program.

a month ago

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