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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What Can I Do with a 3.23 GPA?

So far, my GPA is at 3.23, and I'm not sure how to feel about this. What doors are open to me academically with this GPA? Should I be concerned or is this considered adequate?

a month ago

The good news is a 3.23 GPA can still offer you a range of opportunities. It's within the range of many colleges and universities, both public and private. You may need a higher GPA for very competitive schools or certain majors, but many institutions consider a GPA of above 3.0 as acceptable.

That said, don't forget that colleges consider other factors beyond just your GPA. For instance, your extracurriculars, leadership roles, letters of recommendation, and personal essays also significantly influence your admissions decisions, and having strengths in these areas can help you stand out as a well-rounded applicant. If you're concerned about your GPA, taking on some higher-level courses or achieving high scores on your SATs or ACTs could also help to demonstrate your academic abilities.

Moreover, GPA is only one facet of your high school experience. If you're particularly passionate about a subject, field, or hobby, getting deeply involved can often compensate for less-than-stellar grades. That could mean developing a profound interest in biological research and doing a science fair project, taking advanced art classes, or leading a coding project in your robotics club. These types of experiences can show colleges that you have a particular interest and dedication, even if your overall grades might be lower.

However, if you're aiming for schools with higher GPA averages, you might want to look into ways to improve your GPA. You can do this by seeking extra help in classes you're struggling with, or possibly retaking certain classes if your school allows it.

But overall, a 3.23 GPA does not close you out of a successful college experience. Many students with similar or even lower GPAs have gone on to have fruitful college careers and beyond. So, remember to focus on developing your strengths and interests while also striving to boost your academic performance.

a month ago

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