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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What sets Gonzaga University apart?

Hi friends, doing my college search and stumbled upon Gonzaga University. Could anyone tell me what makes Gonzaga stand out? What are they known for that could sway my decision to apply?

a year ago

Hi! My son is currently studying at Gonzaga, and I must say, the community aspect truly sets it apart. Gonzaga has a strong sense of camaraderie among students, and the support from the staff is remarkable. They're well-known for their undergraduate teaching and the close interactions between professors and students. He often mentions how accessible his professors are and the mentorship opportunities available. Additionally, the university's focus on social justice and service-learning resonates with a lot of students looking to make a difference in their community and beyond. My son is involved in some community outreach programs, and the experiences have been incredibly enriching for him. Another standout feature is their basketball team; sports really bring students together and instill a sense of pride in the school. If you're looking for a tight-knit community with a strong Jesuit educational philosophy, Gonzaga might just be a great fit for you!

a year ago

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