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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How significant are honors classes in college admissions?

I've heard a lot about the importance of AP courses for college apps, but what about honors classes? Do they make a big difference in how colleges view your academic rigor, or should I focus on getting more AP classes into my schedule for senior year?

a year ago

Honors classes certainly have a valuable place in your high school curriculum as an indication of academic rigor. While AP courses are often given more weight due to their standardized curriculum and associated exams, honors classes are also considered challenging and can demonstrate your willingness to go beyond the basic course requirements. However, if you have the opportunity and feel prepared to take more AP classes, they could be more beneficial, particularly for highly selective colleges. It's a balance you want to strike. You should also prioritize your well-being and interest in subjects, not just the perceived prestige of the class. For example, if you have a strong interest and aptitude in history, taking an AP history class could be more advantageous than an honors science class if you're less interested in that field. Remember, colleges look for depth in subjects related to your potential major or area of interest.

a year ago

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