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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's special about Howard University's programs?

Hey everyone, I'm in the process of looking into colleges and I've heard quite a bit about Howard University, especially about its legacy and all. Curious to know - what specific majors or academic programs is Howard University particularly known for?

a year ago

Howard University is indeed well-regarded for its rich legacy, particularly in fostering leadership and excellence among African American students. One of the university's standout programs is the School of Business, which has earned high rankings and is noted for its competitive program and successful alumni. Howard's College of Medicine is also highly respected, particularly for those interested in serving underrepresented communities. Their legal program through Howard University School of Law has been influential in American history, especially in civil rights. Moreover, the Howard University School of Communications is recognized for its dynamic and robust curriculum, designed to keep pace with the evolving media landscape. In fact, in 2016 it was renamed Cathy Hughes School of Communications to honor media mogul and Howard alumna Cathy Hughes. Each of these programs provides rigorous academics along with a deep cultural and historical context that is intertwined with the university's mission to serve the global Black community. Remember, it’s always beneficial to visit the campus and talk to current students and faculty to get a firsthand sense of what these programs are like!

a year ago

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