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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Can anyone describe Northwestern's student vibe?

This one’s for those in the know about Northwestern University. What’s the environment like; is it competitive, collaborative, or something else? What stands out about the student life outside academics?

a year ago

Hello! My child is in their second year at Northwestern, and from what I've heard from them, the environment is a wonderful blend of collaborative and driven. Of course, it's a top-tier school, so students take their studies seriously, but there's a strong community feel where students often study in groups and support one another.

Student life outside of academics is rich and varied; there are countless clubs and organizations to suit every interest, and Chicago being a stone’s throw away means access to incredible cultural experiences, internships, and more. There's an undercurrent of excitement among students to not only excel academically but to also make the most of these opportunities.

As for what stands out, it’s definitely the 'work hard, play hard' mentality. My student has never been busier, but they also have never had more fun or felt more fulfilled. Hope that gives you a glimpse into the vibrancy of Northwestern!

a year ago

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