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What makes a non-traditional applicant attractive to medical schools?

Hey folks, I've been hearing a lot about 'non-traditional' applicants to medical school and I'm curious—what exactly do med schools find appealing in non-traditional applicants? And do you know any specific med schools that are known for being particularly friendly toward non-traditional students? Thanks a bunch!

a year ago

Hey there! It's great that you're curious about this pathway. Non-traditional applicants often bring a wealth of life experience, diverse perspectives, and perhaps a maturity that comes from working in different fields or overcoming unique challenges. They tend to showcase resilience, a clear vision for their future in medicine, and an understanding of healthcare that can only be gained outside of the classroom.

For example, a non-traditional applicant may have had a career in another industry for 10+ years, before deciding that medicine is their true calling. Another example would be someone still in their 20s, but who started a family young, and so already needs to factor other people into their career decisions in a way most med students don't. Medical schools appreciate these kinds of applicants because they often become empathetic and seasoned healthcare providers.

For schools that support non-traditional students, look at institutions with post-baccalaureate pre-med programs, as these are often designed to help career changers transition into medical school. You can usually find this information on their admissions website or through dedicated non-traditional pre-med forums. The fact that these programs exist indicates that the associated medical schools value the unique contributions of non-traditional students.

I hope this helps, and never hesitate to reach out to a particular med school you think you might be interested in if you're wondering how they might evaluate a non-traditional applicant!

a year ago

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