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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Fort Lewis College's Standout Features?

I’ve heard a bit about Fort Lewis College and I’m kind of interested! What makes Fort Lewis College stand out from other schools? Does it have any claim to fame or is it strong in any specific academic areas? I’m leaning towards something in liberal arts.

a year ago

Fort Lewis College is quite unique in several aspects! For starters, it's located in Durango, Colorado, which offers stunning natural scenery and an abundance of outdoor activities, something not all colleges can boast. If you have a spirit for adventure and a love for the outdoors, you'll fit right in with the school's active, nature-loving student body. It’s also a liberal arts college that focuses on a holistic education, which could be a good fit for you given that you're leaning in that direction.

As for academic strengths, Fort Lewis is known for its programs in education and business—its Teacher Education program in particular has received various accolades. The Environmental Studies program is also notably strong, particularly when it comes to studying sustainability.

Another standout feature is that Fort Lewis College is a Native American-serving nontribal institution, which means they offer significant educational resources and community engagements related to Native American culture and history. This focus will enrich your educational experience by providing a unique cultural perspective that could enhance your liberal arts studies.

If you have some sense of your specific interests within the liberal arts, I'd recommend reaching out to the admissions office or department faculty to get more personalized information about how Fort Lewis could cater to your academic goals. Good luck with you college search!

a year ago

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