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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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How does boarding school life shape college admissions?

Hey guys, I'm currently a junior at a boarding school, and I'm curious about how my experience might differ from those in day schools when it comes to college admissions. Do admissions officers view boarding school applicants differently, due to the unique aspects of boarding school life, like living on campus, a more structured environment, etc? Any insights from fellow boarders or those in the know would be super helpful!

a year ago

Boarding school applicants do indeed bring a unique perspective to college admissions. Admissions officers recognize the independence and maturity that often come with the boarding school experience. Given that boarders live away from home, you've likely developed strong time-management and self-advocacy skills, which are appealing to colleges. Colleges also may consider the rigorous academic environment and the diverse community that boarding schools typically offer.

Any one of these experiences could make for a compelling narrative in your personal statement, or in any school-specific supplemental essays you encounter, particularly those about diversity (you can read up on this kind of essay on CollegeVine's blog:

For instance, any leadership roles or unique contributions you've made to the boarding community would help you stand out. It's essential, though, to illustrate in your application how your boarding school experience has shaped you and prepared you for college, rather than assuming colleges will just intuitively understand the significance of a boarding school experience. With any applicant, they're looking beyond just the type of school you come from.

So, lean into what makes you distinct from other applicants, which can absolutely include your boarding school background. But ultimately what's most important for anyone, no matter what kind of school they went to, is showing admissions officers that you'd be a great fit on their campus.

a year ago

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