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Is a 1090 a solid PSAT score for a junior?

I'm low-key stressed because I just got my PSAT results and I scored a 1090. Is that considered a good score for a junior? How much should I aim to improve for the SAT, and do you have any tips for studying? Really want to get into a decent college.

a year ago

It's totally understandable to feel a bit anxious about your PSAT score, but a 1090 is a solid starting point! For college admissions, the definition of a 'good' score can vary significantly depending on the institutions you're aiming to apply to. Look up the middle 50% SAT scores of the colleges on your list for a target range. For general context, however, the average PSAT score is around a 920, per College Board's website, so you're already quite a bit above average—well done!

Remember, however, that this score doesn't actually count for anything—this is just a benchmark, to give you an idea of where you should focus the most energy as you study. Students sometimes improve their scores by up to 200 points with dedicated studying.

In terms of specific study tips, consider beginning with the College Board's free resources or Khan Academy's SAT prep, which offer personalized practice. Take practice tests regularly to become comfortable with the format and timing of the test. Focus on the areas, and particular concepts within those areas, that you find challenging, and consider seeking additional support, like a tutor or meetings with your teacher in that subject, if needed.

Finally, remember that scores are important, but they're just one part of your application. Keep up the hard work!

a year ago

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