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SAT: 720 math
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Which colleges have strong business programs?

Hi guys, as someone who's super interested in majoring in business, I'm on the hunt for colleges that have standout business programs. Could you share your recommendations or experiences with business schools that have strong reputations? Especially ones that are good with financial aid or internships?

a year ago

Hello there! There are several universities that are renowned for their business programs:

-The University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School is often lauded as a top-choice for business, known for its rigorous academic environment and stellar internship opportunities.

-MIT's Sloan School of Management has a strong entrepreneurial focus and excellent financial aid options.

-Another great option is the University of California-Berkeley's Haas School of Business, which has a reputation for innovation and sustainability.

-NYU Stern School of Business is another great school because of its prime location in NYC, which is ideal for business internships.

Look closely at financial aid packages, as many strong business schools meet 100% of demonstrated financial need. Be sure to check out each school's net price calculator for an estimate tailored to your financial situation. Good luck with your search!

a year ago

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