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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

When is College Acceptance Day 2024?

Hey guys, I'm kind of lost here. Does anyone know when the universal college acceptance day is for the class of 2025? I really don't want to miss this important deadline.

a month ago

For most colleges and universities in the United States, the universal college acceptance day is May 1. This is often referred to as "National College Decision Day," as it is the deadline for admitted students to accept their offers and pay their enrollment deposits. Therefore, for the high school class graduating in 2024, you would need to make your final college decision and submit your enrollment deposit by May 1, 2024.

Remember, this is a critical date and it is important to adhere to it. You should be checking your emails frequently around this time, as most colleges will send reminders about the approaching deadline. If there are any extenuating circumstances affecting your ability to meet the deadline, you should reach out to the college's admissions office directly to discuss your situation. They may be able to extend the deadline or offer other solutions.

a month ago

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