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Is a 1010 PSAT score strong enough for scholarship considerations?

Feeling a bit stressed after getting my PSAT results back. I got a 1010 and I'm starting to wonder if it's good enough to qualify for any scholarships, especially the National Merit ones I've heard about. What types of scholarships should I be aiming for with this score, or do I need to improve it? Any advice from students who've been through this would be much appreciated.

a year ago

I understand your concerns about your PSAT score and scholarship opportunities. A 1010 is a solid start, but when it comes to National Merit scholarships, the qualifying scores are typically much higher, often above the 1400 mark, varying by state. This doesn't mean you should be discouraged.

Many scholarships don't rely on PSAT scores and look more at your GPA, community service, leadership roles, and personal essays. Also, keep in mind that your PSAT score is a good benchmark for what you might score on the SAT, and with preparation, you can improve your results. An 1150 on the PSAT, for instance, roughly translates to a 1180 on the SAT, which gives you an idea of where you currently stand.

Focus on studying for the SAT or ACT, as a higher score there would open more scholarship doors for you. Plus, remember, you can often retake these exams to improve your scores.

a year ago

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