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Thoughts on colleges and universities in Hawaii?

Hey everyone, I'm a junior who loves marine biology, and I've been thinking about applying to colleges in Hawaii to be close to the ocean. However, I'm worried about the cost and moving far from home. Can anyone share their experiences if you've attended a Hawaiian university? Would you recommend it?

a month ago

Absolutely, your desire to be in close proximity to the ocean to delve deeper into Marine Biology aligns perfectly with many Hawaiian universities. Two that come to mind are the University of Hawaii at Manoa and Hawaii Pacific University, both of which have strong marine biology programs and offer incredible research opportunities given the unique ecosystems in Hawaii.

Being far away from home is a big challenge for many students, but it also provides a unique chance to develop valuable life skills like resilience, independence, and adaptability. Plus, the Hawaiian culture is especially unique and engaging, from the food to the history and customs, giving students an enriching cultural experience. With today's technology, it is much easier to keep in touch with family and friends than in the past, which certainly helps ease homesickness.

As for costs, Hawaii is known for its high cost of living, but don't be discouraged just yet! Look into financial aid, scholarships, and part-time jobs both on and off campus to help finance your studies. Each university has different financial aid opportunities, so reach out to them to see what options are available.

Remember, it's not for everyone and deciding on a college should be based on a variety of factors, but if you feel a calling to the islands and the ocean life, Hawaii might be a great fit for you. You can also consider studying there for a semester or a year through study abroad programs if you're unsure about committing for your entire college career.

a month ago

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