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For those with experience, what is art school really like?

Hi peeps! I'm super passionate about pursuing art, and I'm considering going to art school. However, I'm a bit anxious because I hear a lot about how tough the industry is. For anyone who’s been through it or knows about it, what’s the workload like? What kind of skills do they really drill into you, and how do you think it's shaped your artistic journey and portfolio? Also, how crucial is the school's reputation in the art world?

a year ago

Hey there! I totally get your excitement and nerves. From what they've shared, the experience is intense but incredibly rewarding. The workload can be hefty, with a lot of studio time expected beyond regular class hours. They suggest that you'll need to be committed and self-disciplined to keep up with the projects and critiques that come your way.

As for skills, aside from the technical drawing, painting, or sculpting techniques, they emphasize soft skills like time management and the ability to accept and incorporate feedback, which are just as critical in the art world.

Art school can definitely help a student develop their own unique style. It's like a perpetual motion of creativity—constantly being inspired by peers, learning new forms of expression, and creating work that's true to them.

Regarding the school's reputation, it can open doors, but keep in mind that the art industry values your portfolio and personal style above all. A well-known school might give you networking opportunities and exposure to renowned artists or professors, but a strong portfolio can also speak volumes by itself.

It’s ultimately the quality and uniqueness of your work, along with your drive to create and share it with the world, that will set you apart. Choose a place where you feel you'll grow—not just one with a fancy name. Best of luck on your artistic journey!

a year ago

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