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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Choosing the right Common App prompt—any advice?

Struggling to decide which Common App prompt I should tackle. Does anyone have tips or strategies on how to pick the one that's best for me? What should I consider when making my choice?

a year ago

Absolutely, choosing the right Common App prompt can feel a bit daunting, but it's a great chance to reflect on what you want colleges to know about you beyond grades and test scores.

When considering which prompt to tackle, think about which aspects of your life or personality haven't been highlighted elsewhere in your application. Is there a story or experience you can share that will provide a new perspective or insight into who you are?

Choose a prompt that allows you to share an authentic narrative that feels natural and significant to you. For instance, if you've had a transformative experience that has shaped your aspirations, the prompt about an event that prompted personal growth could be a perfect fit.

Or, if there's a particular talent or hobby that is a big part of your identity, the prompt about an activity that captivates you could allow you to showcase this passion. Ultimately, the best prompt for you is the one that enables you to write a compelling, personal story that adds depth to your application.

a year ago

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