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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's the academic vibe like at University of Santa Barbara?

Hey guys, I was considering the University of Santa Barbara for my college applications. Is anyone familiar with the academic environment over there? Is it competitive, collaborative, or something different?

29 days ago

The University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) is known for having a very spirited student body and a collaborative academic environment. Many students appreciate the emphasis on undergraduate research opportunities and the faculty's willingness to help them succeed.

While there will inevitably be a competitive edge when it comes to obtaining internships or placements in select programs, students usually report an atmosphere of mutual support rather than the intense competition that can sometimes occur at other schools. There's also quite a bit of intellectual diversity, as UCSB has strong programs in various fields, including the sciences, the humanities, and environmental studies, among others.

Hope this helps! It's really important to visit and get a sense of the culture yourself if you can, but hopefully, this gives you some initial perspective.

29 days ago

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