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Military Careers in Dental Hygiene?

Hello, guys. So I've been seriously contemplating serving in the military, particularly in the healthcare sector. I'm interested in Dental Hygiene. Does any specific military branch offer positions for dental hygienists? Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

29 days ago

From my understanding, all branches of the military - Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, and even the newly formed Space Force - do indeed employ dental hygienists as a part of their healthcare team.

For instance, serving as an Army Dental Specialist could be an interesting route. These individuals are responsible for assisting Army dentists in the examination and treatment of patients, as well as helping to manage dental offices. This position provides an excellent avenue for learning advanced dental care skills that can be beneficial for your career.

Similarly, the Navy has a rating (job) of Dental Technician (DT) which encompasses the responsibilities of a dental hygienist, among other activities.

In the Air Force, the dental hygienist role falls under the broader classification of dental assistants. While these responsibilities vary, they often include examination and preventive treatment of patients in addition to the standard oral hygiene tasks.

It's essential to note that your eligibility for these positions may depend on several factors such as your educational background, completion of specific military entrance requirements, and potentially Basic Military Training as well.

So, if you're considering the military route, I would strongly advise you to contact a recruiter for the branch that interests you the most. They can provide you with the most relevant and up-to-date information and guide you through the process. It's always critical to fully understand what you're signing up for and what your commitments will be.

Serving in the military can provide valuable personal and professional experience, and it's a significant decision. Good luck with whatever path you decide to pursue.

29 days ago

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