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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Help understanding Hamilton University of New York

I'm interested in Hamilton University in New York, mainly because of its notable liberal arts program. Anyone out there currently studying at Hamilton who can give me the inside scoop on what it's like?

29 days ago

Hamilton College indeed has a strong reputation for liberal arts education. The unique open curriculum at Hamilton allows you to explore various academic disciplines while you decide which areas your passions align with best. This means you don't have general education requirements to fulfill, and you can take classes in any field, from astrophysics to anthropology, philosophy to French, until you choose your concentration.

The class sizes at Hamilton tend to be small, this allows for personalized attention from instructors and promotes an intimate learning environment where your voice can be heard. Also, with the school's emphasis on writing and speaking, students report strong development in these essential skills.

Hamilton's campus is located in the small village of Clinton, so if you prefer a more quiet, rural setting, this can be a plus. The close-knit community provides plenty of opportunity to build strong relationships with peers and faculty alike. There are also plenty of extracurricular activities to pursue, with over 200 clubs and organizations ranging from performing arts to sports, and community service to student government.

Keep in mind, though, that the weather in upstate New York can be challenging for those not accustomed to cold winters and significant snowfall.

Although academics at Hamilton are rigorous, many students feel that the supportive community and motivating environment make the experience rewarding. But always remember that one size doesn't fit all, and what may suit others might not suit you. Best bet is to visit the campus, talk to the students, and dig into the specific departments or programs you are interested in to ensure the best fit.

29 days ago

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