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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How many classes should I be taking each year of high school?

Hey guys! I'm mapping out my high school plan and feeling a little overwhelmed. What's the ideal number of classes to take each year to appear well-rounded for college apps? I want to make sure I'm on track without burning out.

a year ago

It's great to see you planning ahead and considering your well-being alongside your college prep! The number of classes you take can vary depending on your school's schedule and what you can handle. A typical full load is about 5 to 6 core academic classes each year, and it’s important to challenge yourself within reason.

Colleges like to see that students are taking a rigorous course load relative to what's available at their school. For instance, if your school offers AP or honors courses and they align with your strengths or interests, taking a few of these can demonstrate your willingness to engage with more demanding material.

However, don't forget to balance this by ensuring you have enough time for extracurriculars, personal time, and rest. Remember, colleges are looking for depth in activities as well as your academics. Try to strike a balance that feels right for you and allows you to show colleges who you are both in and out of the classroom.

Your well-being is crucial, so listen to yourself and don't hesitate to discuss this with your counselor for personalized advice. Good luck!

a year ago

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