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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

USF's Claim to Fame?

Started looking at colleges and the University of San Francisco's Jesuit tradition piqued my interest. For those familiar, could you share insights on which majors or programs USF shine in? What is USF celebrated for academically that might sway a junior on the cusp of senior year?

a year ago

Hello there! The University of San Francisco does have a wonderful Jesuit tradition that emphasizes personal growth, justice, and ethical leadership. It’s wonderful to hear that you’re considering USF!

One of the stand-out programs at USF is their Nursing program which has a reputation for excellent clinical training and a strong focus on diverse urban health. Another area of strength is their Business and Management programs, offering not only a robust curriculum but also a great network in the thriving San Francisco business community.

USF is also recognized for its commitment to sustainability and social justice, which is integrated across various disciplines. Their Environmental Science program is notable for combining rigorous science with a strong policy and community action focus, preparing students to make a tangible impact.

If these are the areas that interest you or align with your passion, USF could be a strong contender on your college list. Hope this helps in your decision-making process as you move closer to senior year!

a year ago

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