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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Colleges in Doylestown, PA?

I have family in Doylestown, PA and I'm thinking about moving there for college. It'd be nice to have some familiarity while adjusting to college life. Any suggestions on good colleges in the area?

29 days ago

There are several colleges and universities in and around Doylestown, Pennsylvania that you might consider:

1. Delaware Valley University: Located directly in Doylestown, DelVal is known for its programs in the sciences, business, and agriculture. It has a strong focus on experiential learning, with all students completing an "Experience360 Program" which includes internships, study abroad, student research, and more.

2. Bucks County Community College: Located in Newtown, about a 20-minute drive from Doylestown, BCCC offers a wide range of associate degrees and certificate programs.

3. Arcadia University: Situated in Glenside, about a 30-minute drive from Doylestown, Arcadia is recognized for its global perspective, with a strong emphasis on study abroad programs.

4. Temple University: Located in Philadelphia, about an hour drive from Doylestown, Temple is a large public research university known for its programs in business, education, and media studies.

5. Lehigh University: Approximately an hour's drive away in Bethlehem, Lehigh offers renowned engineering programs.

Remember to consider factors such as course offerings, campus culture, student life, and financial aid options when choosing a college. It'd also be worth visiting these campuses once you're in Doylestown to get a sense of which one you feel the most comfortable at.

29 days ago

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