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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Any Good Colleges in Franklin, MA?

Looking at possibly going to school in Franklin, MA because it's closer to my family. I'd highly appreciate it if anyone could tell me more about the colleges in this area. Thank you!

29 days ago

If you're considering the Franklin, MA area for your college education, there are a handful of school options that you might want to consider.

Dean College is directly in Franklin. This private college offers Certificates, Associate, and Bachelor's degrees in a variety of fields from Business, Communications, Dance, Liberal Arts, Sport Management to Theatre. Dean's small size gives it a close-knit community feel and allows for personal attention from the faculty due to the low student-to-faculty ratio.

Just 16 miles away, you'll find Stonehill College in Easton, MA. It's a private liberal arts college that offers a range of programs including Business Administration, Criminology, and Health Sciences.

Wheaton College, not to be mixed up with the Wheaton in Illinois, is also located nearby in Norton, MA. This is another private liberal arts college that offers over 40 majors and 60 minors. Some popular programs include Psychology, Economics, and English.

Lastly, for those interested in studying engineering or sciences, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering in nearby Needham is an exceptional option. It is known for its project-based curriculum and supportive community, but it is quite selective.

Remember, when looking at colleges, it's crucial to consider the major you wish to pursue and match that with the strengths of the respective college. Also, visiting the campuses, if possible, can give you a sense of the community and atmosphere to see if it aligns with your preferences.

29 days ago

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