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Colleges in Chicago, Illinois

Hey folks, I'm currently researching colleges and Chicago seems like a really intriguing place to study. Do you have any colleges in Chicago, Illinois that you would recommend? I'm really into humanities and social sciences.

29 days ago

Absolutely, Chicago has several colleges that offer strong programs in humanities and social sciences. Here are a few that you might want to consider:

1. The University of Chicago: Known for its rigorous academic programs and vibrant intellectual life. The school's social sciences and humanities programs are top-notch, with disciplines like economics, history, and philosophy often ranked among the top in the world.

2. Northwestern University: While it's technically located in Evanston, Illinois, it's just north of Chicago and its students often take advantage of the city. Northwestern has strong humanities programs, and its school of social policy is regarded as one of the best in the country.

3. Loyola University Chicago: A private Catholic university that offers a wide range of programs in the humanities and social sciences, including sociology, political science, and English. Plus, there's no application fee, making it more accessible for applicants on a budget.

4. DePaul University: The largest Catholic university in the country, DePaul has strong programs in peace studies, public relations, and psychology, among others.

5. The School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC): Although primarily an arts school, SAIC offers programs in areas like art history, writing, and visual and critical studies.

Remember to also consider factors like size, campus culture, and financial aid offerings when selecting a school. Each of these schools also offers opportunities to explore the bustling city of Chicago - a great setting for experiencing culture, internships, and hands-on learning opportunities.

29 days ago

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