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SAT: 720 math
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Studying in Orono, Maine!

Hey there! I'm considering some institutions in the Orono, Maine area. Can anybody offer some insights into colleges there? Could you discuss a bit about academics, culture, or campus life?

29 days ago

Absolutely, happy to help! There are a couple of well-respected institutions in Orono, Maine, the most well-known being the University of Maine.

When it comes to academics at the University of Maine, it's known for a range of programs, but particularly its strong offerings in Engineering and Forestry and Environmental Studies. The student to faculty ratio is about 15:1, allowing for smaller classes and more faculty engagement.

In terms of culture, UMaine is a predominantly residential campus, meaning most students live on campus, which encourages a strong sense of community. On campus, there's a vibrant array of clubs, organizations, and sport teams to get involved with. The school also has a strong commitment to public service, with many students participating in community service projects around Orono and Maine overall.

Outdoor activities hold a significant place in the campus life. It's not uncommon to see students hiking, biking, or skiing during their free time. Also, the campus is about 15 minutes away from Bangor, providing students with plenty of off-campus food, entertainment, and shopping options.

Overall, Orono is a small town which gives students a peaceful environment to focus on their studies, while the university offers a wide range of opportunities to be active and engage with the community. If you value balance between serious study and an active, outdoor lifestyle, University of Maine in Orono could be the place for you.

Remember, though, that visiting a college in-person or virtually can give you invaluable insights about the culture and academics, so consider taking advantage of those opportunities if you're seriously considering any school.

29 days ago

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