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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Seeking Info on Georgia Southern University

I'm a rising junior and I've been looking into GA Southern University. Could anybody here share more about the programs they offer and their overall reputation?

29 days ago

Sure, glad to provide more information for you about Georgia Southern University (GSU). GSU is a public research university located in Statesboro, Georgia with additional campuses in Savannah and Hinesville. It's the largest institution in the University System of Georgia by enrollment.

Academically, GSU houses a total of ten colleges. Each of these colleges offers a variety of undergraduate and graduate degree programs. GSU is especially known for its programs in Nursing, Engineering, Business, Education, and the Health Professions. The university also has a strong commitment to research and community engagement, with many opportunities for students to get involved in research, internships, and service activities.

With regards to reputation, GSU has a strong emphasis on research. It's also been recognized for its efforts in advancing social mobility for students. However, as with all colleges, the school's reputation can vary depending on the specific program of study.

I would also recommend reaching out to the admissions office or current students at GSU to learn more about the student experience and specific programs you're interested in. Furthermore, consider a campus visit or virtual tour to get a better feel of the campus culture and environment. Good luck with your college search!

29 days ago

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