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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What is the approximate class size at Georgia Tech?

I'm curious about the class sizes at Georgia Tech. Could anyone shed light on their average undergraduate class size or student to faculty ratio? I prefer smaller class sizes because I feel it provides a more focused learning environment.

a month ago

The student-to-faculty ratio at Georgia Tech is roughly 19:1. This number represents the average overall and doesn't differentiate between lower division and upper division courses, or between different majors. It's crucial to keep in mind that class size can vary significantly depending on the subject or course level.

Lower division (introductory) courses, especially in popular subjects, can be quite large—sometimes with hundreds of students. However, as you progress into more specialized and upper-level courses, class sizes typically become much smaller, often with 20-40 students.

Although an 19:1 ratio might sound a bit crowded, keep in mind that there are plenty of opportunities for more personalized interactions outside the traditional classroom. Faculty office hours, study groups, and teaching assistant-led sessions are all part of the supportive learning environment at Georgia Tech.

Remember, big universities often offer vast resources and diverse perspectives that can be a benefit as well. Embrace the opportunity to interact with an extensive network of talented and diverse peers! It all depends on what you're comfortable with and what learning environment suits you best.

a month ago

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