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Colleges in the Seattle Area - Recommendations?

Hey everyone, I'm a high-school junior and starting my search for colleges. I'm particularly interested in the Seattle area. Can anyone shine a light on colleges in and around Seattle, and what majors or programs they're recognized for? Thanks in advance!

29 days ago

You're on a wonderful path, exploring colleges located in the Pacific Northwest. In and around Seattle, you have several excellent options, each with its unique strengths.

1. The University of Washington (UW), situated in Seattle, is perhaps one of the most well-known in the area. It's a public research university that is highly regarded for its programs in Medicine, Nursing, Engineering, and Computer Science. Its College of Education is also very well respected.

2. Seattle University is a private, Jesuit university known for its programs in Business, Nursing, and Criminal Justice. The Albers School of Business and Economics at Seattle U offers a unique program in Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility, which may interest you if business studies align with your goals.

3. Seattle Pacific University (SPU) is a private, Christian university recognized for its Nursing and Business programs. The university also offers a well-respected program in Education, focusing on K-12 teaching.

4. The University of Puget Sound, located about an hour south of Seattle in Tacoma, is a small liberal arts college with a strong focus on the humanities and sciences. The school's Music, Psychology, and Biology programs are especially noteworthy.

Visit each college's website, look through their program offerings, and get a sense of campus culture to see which one might be the right fit for you. Don't hesitate to reach out to each school's admissions department for more specific information or arrange a campus tour. All the best in your search!

29 days ago

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