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Parachute Opportunities in the Military?

Hey everyone! Currently a junior thinking about life after high school. I love outdoor activities and thrill-seeking, so I'm wondering, are there any branches of the military that entail parachute training and operations as part of their job roles?

28 days ago

Absolutely, there are multiple roles in the military that incorporate parachuting. The most prominent ones come from the Army and the Air Force.

In the Army, for example, the 82nd Airborne Division is famed for their parachuting abilities. Soldiers in this division are all parachute qualified and serve in airborne positions. Likewise, Army Special Forces (Green Berets) and the 75th Ranger Regiment also entail airborne operations. Members of these groups receive considerable jump training and often the opportunity to pursue more advanced jump qualifications.

The Air Force also has parachute-centric roles, particularly in their Special Operations Command (AFSOC). Pararescue jumpers, often referred to as "PJs," are extensively trained in parachuting, specifically into hostile situations to rescue and provide medical care for downed aviators.

Of course, to qualify for these roles, you'll need to pass rigorous physical fitness requirements and complete specialized training programs, which can be highly demanding - physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Just remember that while these roles and specialties are exciting and adventurous, they also come with significant responsibilities and risks. This should be part of your consideration process as you assess your post-high school options.

28 days ago

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