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Which Military Branches use Drones?

I'm really into tech and I've been considering the military as a potential path after high school. I was wondering, which branches of the military commonly use drones? Knowing that could probably help me make a decision.

28 days ago

All branches of the U.S. military utilize drones, although the type of drones and their roles can vary significantly.

1. The Air Force is the most commonly associated with drone usage, as it operates a variety of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). Some of their best-known drones include the MQ-9 Reaper and the RQ-4 Global Hawk, which are used for surveillance and airstrikes.

2. The Navy employs drones too, particularly for surveillance and data collection missions at sea. They've utilized drones like the MQ-4C Triton and the ScanEagle drone for a variety of maritime purposes.

3. The Army uses drones for a mix of surveillance, reconnaissance, and attack missions. One of their most commonly used drones is the MQ-1C Gray Eagle.

4. The Marine Corps makes use of smaller, more portable drones, often for consequences of reconnaissance and surveillance in ground operations, like the RQ-21 Blackjack.

5. Moreover, the latest and the sixth branch of the U.S. military, the U.S. Space Force, has responsibilities that include maintaining satellites that allow the other branches of the military to communicate, which might involve drone technology too.

Remember, whichever branch you're considering, the skills you'll gain in operating and maintaining drones are highly transferable and can serve you well in civilian life too.

28 days ago

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