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What happens after applying to a military branch?

Hey guys, I'm seriously contemplating applying to join the military once I graduate, but I'm not sure what the process involves. Like, what happens after I submit my application? If anyone who's gone through it could enlighten me, I'd be super appreciative!

28 days ago

Applying to join the military is a significant decision, and there are quite a few steps involved. Once you have submitted your application, there are several processes that you will go through.

The first thing that you can typically expect after you've submitted your application is to have an initial interview. This is mainly to discuss your reasons for joining and your understanding of the role you're applying for. This discussion will also address your suitability for military service.

Secondly, you will have to go through a series of tests and physical exams, known as Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS). MEPS essentially determines whether or not you're fit to serve in the military. This begins with taking the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) exam—a test that evaluates your understanding in fields such as science, mathematics, and verbal comprehension. Your score here can influence the jobs you're eligible for in the military.

If you pass the ASVAB, you will proceed to a physical examination. This includes vision, hearing, and general body system tests to ensure you're physically fit. They will also screen for illegal substance use.

Next, assuming you pass all the tests at MEPS, you'll meet with a military career counselor. They will discuss your test results, the branches you're interested in, and the jobs or career paths available to you. You should come to this meeting prepared with a list of jobs you're interested in and any questions regarding them.

The last step at the MEPS is the Oath of Enlistment. You're officially joining the military at this point. After this, you will be given a ship-out date to attend Basic Military Training or "boot camp.” This is a physically and mentally intensive program designed to teach you the core skills necessary for your respective branch of the military.

Lastly, once Basic Training is successfully completed, you will proceed to Advanced Individual Training (AIT), where you will be trained for your specific job. The length of AIT training varies depending on the occupation.

This is a broad overview, so keep in mind that each branch—Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, and Space Force—may have unique protocols and procedures. Always remember to seek expert advice if you're unsure.

28 days ago

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