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What's the Auxiliary Branch of the US Military?

I came across a term 'Auxiliary US Military Branch', while researching my post-high school options. Not sure what it means, does anyone have information about this branch? What are its roles and responsibilities?

28 days ago

The Auxiliary branch of the U.S. military you're referring to might be the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary. The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary is a unique unit of the U.S. military as it is largely made up of civilian volunteers.

The roles and responsibilities of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary are vast and varied due to their volunteer nature. However, typically the Auxiliary supports the U.S. Coast Guard in non-combat, non-law enforcement roles. This might include:

1. Education: The Auxiliary conducts classes and hosts events on boating safety, navigation, and seamanship for the general public.

2. Vessel Safety Checks: The Auxiliary conducts free checks on recreational boats to ensure they comply with federal, state, and local safety requirements.

3. Operational Support: The Auxiliary assists the Coast Guard in various missions, including maritime observation, environmental protection, and search and rescue operations.

4. Administrative support: Auxiliarists also serve in a wide range of administrative and staff roles at units throughout the Coast Guard.

The goal of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary is to support and augment the U.S. Coast Guard's operational, administrative, and logistical requirements, thus allowing it to function more efficiently and effectively. It's a great avenue if you're interested in volunteer service with a maritime or security component, but without the full-time commitment of active duty military service.

28 days ago

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