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Which Military Branch Requires the Least Physical Fitness?

Hey! So, I'm excited about the opportunity to serve my country, but I got to be honest, I'm not the most physically gifted individual out there... So, just out of curiosity, which branch of the military is known to be the least physically demanding? I mean, all are tough I know, but there must be variances, right?

a month ago

Each branch of the U.S. military has its own set of physical fitness requirements, and these can vary even within different roles in the same branch. That said, it's generally thought that the physically least demanding is the Air Force. Their Basic Military Training (BMT) involves 7.5 weeks of physical conditioning, which is less than other branches, with the focus more on creating an overall well-rounded airman, including elements such as academics and basic war skills.

However, it should be noted that the Air Force has shifted its fitness test in recent years to include more elements. The test consists of three components: a body composition assessment, an aerobic component (a 1.5-mile run), and a muscle fitness component (which includes a measure of sit-ups and push-ups).

If you're less physically inclined, you may want to consider roles within the military that are less physically demanding. Certain jobs in each branch may require less physical labor and more mental work. These could include positions in the medical field, cyber security, or intelligence. Remember, the most important is to find a branch and role that aligns with your values, interests, and career goals. As always, it is always recommended to discuss these factors with a recruiter or military career counselor to gain further insight.

a month ago

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