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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

What's the Campus Size at Brandeis?

Hi folks, I might want to put Brandeis on my college list, but I really prefer smaller, close-knit campuses. What's the campus size there? Is it too overwhelming for someone who is used to a smaller high school?

28 days ago

Brandeis University is often considered a medium-sized institution, located on a suburban campus covering around 235 acres. To give you some perspective, the student population hovers around 3,600 undergraduates.

Now, the size might seem a bit large when you consider the overall acreage, but the number of students gives it more of a small to medium college feel. It's also worth noting that the academic buildings and residential halls are all within walking distance of each other, which helps create a strong sense of community and closeness amongst the students.

On the whole, many students find the size to be quite manageable, and not at all overwhelming. However, it can be a subjective experience and it might be worth scheduling a campus visit (virtual or in-person) if possible, to help you get a feel for it. You might find that it's just the right balance between a smaller, intimate learning environment and the opportunities that come with a larger institution.

Hope this helps you in making your decision!

28 days ago

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