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Inquiring about the most dangerous military branch

Hey there, I'm a rising junior trying to weigh out risks and rewards of different life paths after high school. I'm curious to know, which branch of the military is usually regarded as the most dangerous in terms of combat or general risks?

a month ago

The perceived 'danger' in serving in different branches of the military can be subjective and dependent on the specific role, job, and theater of operation you would be serving in. However, generally, the Army and Marine Corps have the highest number of directly combat-related roles, which could be seen as 'more dangerous'.

The Army is the largest and oldest branch of the U.S. military. Soldiers perform ground combat missions, and although many Army roles are support rather than combat roles, the Army does experience a large number of casualties because of its size and the nature of ground warfare.

The Marine Corps is recognized for its emphasis on combat readiness and often is utilized for high-risk missions. Marines often have more frequent deployments than other branches and are typically the first on the ground in intense combat situations.

That said, any branch of the military involves inherent risk and also depends on the geopolitical climate and where conflicts are happening. For example, the Air Force and Navy could have higher risks if there are a lot of aerial or naval conflicts.

Remember, while these branches may involve more combat, this doesn't necessarily signify 'danger' if you're in a non-combat role. The military is vast, and roles range from combat to engineering, medical, logistics, intelligence, and many other fields. It's important that you choose a branch and job that aligns with your skills, interests, and long-term goals. Lastly, always ensure to consult with military recruiters, veterans, or career counselors to gain a more nuanced perspective.

a month ago

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