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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Experience with DePauw University in Greencastle?

I've been researching small, liberal arts colleges and came across DePauw University in Greencastle, IN. If anyone could share their personal experiences with the school in terms of academics, faculty, campus atmosphere, housing, etc., I'd really appreciate it!

28 days ago

Absolutely, I can share some insights regarding DePauw University!

DePauw University provides a balanced academic experience that challenges you but also ensures you aren't drowned in workloads. It is known for its strong undergraduate programs in the arts & sciences, media studies, and music. Class sizes are typically small, with most classes having fewer than 20 students, which promotes a more personalized, engaging learning experience. Students often describe the faculty as supportive and accessible, exhibiting a genuine interest in their students' success both in and out of the classroom.

The campus community at DePauw is usually described as welcoming and inclusive. There's a strong emphasis on service and civic engagement, which is reflected in how students interact with each other and the wider community. The campus itself is often praised for its beautiful, classic-college campus aesthetic with its red brick buildings scattered amongst green spaces.

When it comes to housing, all first-year students at DePauw are required to live on campus in residence halls. The dorms, while not the most modern, offer a serviceable and convenient living situation. After the first year, students have various housing options like Greek houses, upperclassmen dorms, or off-campus apartments. The dining services are said to offer a wide variety of tasty food options catering to different dietary needs.

Of course, the best way to determine if DePauw University is the right fit for you is to visit the campus, speak to students directly, engage with faculty, and explore the local community. But I hope this information gives you a starting point in understanding what living and learning at DePauw University might be like.

28 days ago

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